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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend with friends

What am I doing up so late?

Well this weekend was a fun one. A friend and I drove up to Park City to do a little shopping as well as test out the Alpine Slide. Seriously I have lived in Utah my whole ENTIRE life and had just recently heard about the Alpine Slide.

Soooo much fun!

But man was it cold! I forgot to bring a jacket with me, (stupid I know) so I had to buy one, which was okay because I will be needing one later when Fall comes! Which I can't wait for! After Park City I hurried home to change to make it to one of my friend's wedding receptions. Those are always so weird to go to when they are all your friends that are getting married. But it is fun to see people you haven't seen in a while. I stayed longer than I thought and I remembered I promised a very dear friend of mine that I would take him to a movie since this would be the last time we could hang out before he moves. We were going to see Julie and Julia at 10:05pm. Highly recommend the movie. Well I rushed home quickly, changed, and headed out the door. Halfway there I noticed that I didn't bring my wallet. STUPID! So I had to hurry and rush back and grab it. Here all my grandparents are hearing at this point is the door open and shut very frantically. No worries. I made it just in time. I really did like the movie. It made we want to take cooking lessons really bad. We will see what I can find. Oh how I would love to go to Europe just to taste the food. My sister really liked the food there when she went, but she did say that the Snickers were better here in America. The only disclaimer about the movie. They randomly through in the "f" bomb which makes me so frustrated! Really? Did you really need to just through that in there? All in all, good weekend.

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