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Friday, August 7, 2009


Sadly, this summer is coming to an end very quickly. It's been an odd summer with weird weather, but it's also been a great one. I'm ready for some change though. This next semester comes to me with mixed feelings. I'm really excited for the semester to start because I like being in a routine, sometimes I actually like school, getting to meet more people is always great, and this will probably be the easiest semester I have ever had, which I definitely need. I'm not looking forward to this semester because I like going to seven peaks every day. I like being able to sleep in and not have to worry about anything. I enjoy being able to hang out with my friends. I usually become a hermit during the school semester so don't expect to see much of me. I am also not looking forward to my 7 am class. I am sooo not a morning person.

It's weird to think this is my third year of college. Wow!

1 comment:

Heidi Norton said...

I can't believe we're in our 3rd year too! 4 weeks until Sam!!!! I can't wait!