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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Planet Wise

Some of you don't know that we have used cloth diapers with Evelyn since she was born. We had several reasons to do this, some of which include saving some major $$, and Evelyn getting her dad's very sensitive skin. We have loved them and will continue to use them for all our kids. 

For the longest time we had done the wet pail method (placing the cloth diaper in a closed pail of water). Super nasty. A while ago we have switched to a dry pail method and it has made all the difference. Now to get to the real reason for writing this...lets talk about Planet Wise. For all you other cloth diaper mothers (and fathers) out there you are probably familiar with this company. If you aren't then head over right now and check them out! They are wonderful. Well Planet Wise was very generous and sent me over one of their pail liners. They make them large so they pretty much fit any diaper pail or waste can. The actual size is 28" tall with a circumference of 54". This means it can fit either a 54 quart or a 14 gallon diaper pail or waste can.
 ^^This is our diaper pail. It has a container on the inside where we place the pail liner. Nothing too fancy but it does the job^^

One thing I've loved about Planet Wise's pail liner is that it keeps the smell in. Which when your doing cloth diapering...that's huge! Another thing that's great is it's reusable. When I do laundry, I just toss the liner in with the cloth inserts and everything gets clean. I had to constantly scrub our old diaper pail which was a pain so it's so nice to be able to just toss the liner into the laundry. 

These bags come is so many different colors/patterns as well. Try about 30! We picked the raspberry color which I love. Click here to see the other colors and patterns.

^^These are just a few of the colors they have^^

The elastic around the liner is made from a very sturdy no pill elastic so you won't get any snags and it will stay looking really nice. The bags are also anti-microbal which helps fight the presence of bacteria, mold and fungi. They are also PVC free which is a pretty toxic material and you will never find it in any of the products from Planet Wise.

Pail liners are not the only thing they sell either! They have wet/dry bags, nursing covers, sport bags, changing pads, and reusable snack bags. I've been super impressed already and will continue to purchase from them. Thanks Planet Wise! You guys are awesome.

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madamelinae said...

Great post! I've been wanting to try them but the shipping to Germany is so expensive..
As for the smell. I've had a couple of moms suggest to use an open dry pail. Which sounds pretty gross, right? But turns out that with the presence of oxygen no smell develops. I have wanted to give it a try (worst case scenario it's smelly and we go back to doing what we've been doing so far) but our pail liner is in our bedroom at the moment. But we're about to re-arrange..
Anyway, just thought I'd share this!

Heather and Jake said...

Thanks for sharing! Seriously I would highly try them! I mean our diaper pail lid isn't a lid that completely seals shut, it just closes like a waste can and I don't smell a thing! That's interesting about the open dry pail though!

Parenting Patch said...

Thanks for the review. I would love to share your post. You should add some share buttons to your blog.