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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I've been on another crafty craze the past couple of days. I've been working on making these little cuties. My cousin had a baby shower coming up and I just had to make a pair. 

SALE - PDF ePATTERN - Basic Booties for Babies, Preemies and Dolls - Ten Sizes
(These are not the ones I made but they look just like this with different fabric. I forgot to take a picture before I wrapped it up.)

So cute right?
 I told Jake if we ever have a little girl, she will have lots and lots of shoes just like her mama!
For those who want to try and make those darling little baby shoes, you can buy the pattern here and give it a go! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

STOP IT! you're so cute. i need to learn your skills in a real hurry if i want to be as cute of a mama as you will be...

i'm so lucky to be the recipient of such a sweet little pair of shoes!