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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Epic Saturday

So I forgot to tell you about our crazy, fun filled Saturday that Jake and I had. So my dad a couple of days ago had asked me if Jake and I wanted to go waterfall repelling.
"Wait like walking down a cliff next to a waterfall?!" I was a little excited by the idea. Count us in! Let me tell ya it was so dang fun. I will admit I was a tiny bit scared at the very beginning because are walking down a cliff. Backwards. Next to a waterfall. Jake absolutely loved it and went a couple of times. Both of us got very wet and if we didn't, my dad would pull your rope into the waterfall so you would get wet.

After that we went to a baseball game. Now normally I wouldn't call going to a baseball game epic. I think it's rather boring to watch. But we were given free tickets that also came with free food. You can never pass up that opportunity. The best part about the game was talking with my parents and hearing their "newly wed" stories. Hilarious. I love my parents.
After that we rushed to Thanksgiving Point where we partook of this. Fabulous. The funny thing was Jake and I had seen a flyer for it a few days before and wanted to go, until we saw the price of the tickets. Too much for us poor newly weds. I was a little sad. Then Jake came home one day and pulled out two tickets for us! I thought he had just gone online and purchased them with out me knowing so I was going to be a little mad, (after the concert of course) but he then explained to me that his work was giving them away for free and that made it even better! So this whole Saturday of epic things was totally free. Excluding parking for the stupid baseball game but that doesn't count.


Heidi Norton said...

your hair is getting SOO long! I miss ya Heather! Looks like you 2 are having fun! :)

Ash Att said...

how fun for you!! ps your hair is getting so long. and i loved seeing you at school yesterday. it was nice seeing someone i knew haha