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Friday, August 27, 2010

Finger prick

Jake found out today that he can't be a doctor. Or deal with blood. His work has this program that if you and your spouse are within the health guidelines of the company, (glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI, health stuff like that) that they would cut our insurance bill by $125 So we fasted for the morning and headed up to get our blood drawn. Jake already gets a little lightheaded when he doesn't have food in him but when he saw the lady prick my finger, he got a little woozy.

A finger prick.

Seriously made me laugh. He likes to hunt so that fact that this made him a little woozy made me laugh! Love that boy.

Jake and I had a little too much fun with our new Mac and this picture is by far my favorite one of him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

welcome to the world of mac's!! (is this putting your relationship with your father in jeopardy? last i checked he was basically morally opposed to ipods...maybe you'll just have to convert him!)