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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oh bother

Jake and I are going through the health insurance process. Lots of paper work to fill out. Every detail of ANY medical whatnot you have been through.

It's a blast.


The Haws Family said...

At least you're getting health insurance. Sterling and I don't have any. Which makes me nervous to even play catch with my brother in case anything happens to my fingers during the hygiene program. Sigh.

Jan said...

ugghhh I hate that. especially when you put that you went to the doctor for strep throat like 4 years ago, and then they call you and ask you for the medical records.

Unknown said...

Oh boy, SOOO fun.. things like that and applying for your marriage license, then getting a new drivers license with your married name are so time-consuming and annoying! So where's this place you guys found to live? I would totally look up KSL deals on furniture.. I've also found lots of sites to jazz up old finds and to make them unique =) One of the many perks of being married and having a place!! You will see =)