There are so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. First I am so thankful for the wonderful family that I have. I have the best parents anyone could ask for. They are the greatest and have raised me well. I hope I can continue to show them my gratitude for them as I continue to grow. I am also so thankful for my brother and sisters. We all have grown up so much over the past couple of years and have continued to come closer as siblings. They are all such great examples to me. Second, my wonderful grandparents. They all have lived such wonderful lives, have accomplished much, and are full of memories and love for all their children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren. Third, I am thankful for all the wonderful friends that I have had through out my life. They have all been such great examples to me and they are the kind of friends that are always watching out for ya. I have never had to worry about my standards

around them because they had the same. Mostly I am just grateful for my family. I love them all so much. And my dads cheesecake, mash potatoes, turkey, and the plethora of pies. I can't forget about those. Today was also Megan and
I's BMT (bone marrow transplant) birthday. This is the first time it's been right on Thanksgiving. This became a tradition in the hospital when I first received my bone marrow transplant from Megan. The nurses told us that this bone marrow transplant was in a way for me, giving me new life. Therefore I needed a birthday! I gave Megan a gift, and my parents gave Megan and I a Christmas ornament. That tradition has continued in our family ever since, except now my parents give all the children a Christmas ornament. This year is our 8
th year since the transplant. Crazy how the time goes by. Sometimes it feels like
this was all a dream. As a family we read a little bit of what my parents wrote about that day of the transplant and looked at some pictures....we all looked so little.

Thinking back on this, I am full of gratitude for my parents and my sister Megan. I started to get a little teary eyed reading what happened during this day for Megan and I. It's a time in my life that I will never forget. I hope I can use this experience that I was given to help others in any way I can. I didn't get through this trial just to sit and be happy about life.
I can't end this without thanking my Heavenly Father and my savior Jesus Christ. I know that they have been with me every step of the way through my life and they will continue to be with me. I know I still have some things to learn and trials to go through, but however hard and difficult it may be for me, I do not fear for I know that I can always turn to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the gospel and the part that it plays in my life. It's hard to think of what my life would be without it.
we watched this last week and i thought of you the whole time. you're so amazing!
love love love.
Heather, this post was amazing. I loved reading it. You are so strong. I loved the picture with you and the prophet, it was adorable. Im glad your better. hope all is well :)
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