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Monday, November 23, 2009


Okay last week was no bueno. Minus a get together with the old roommates and being with my little sister who finally came down to visit us for Thanksgiving. I am ready for a new week. But it could skip Monday. That's fine by me. Anyone else excited for Thanksgiving? Mmmm my dads cheesecake keeps coming to mind. And mash potatoes. I can never get enough of those. I was excited for Thanksgiving until I found out that I will be having three this year. Yes three. Yuck. Just thinking about all that food makes me want to puke. I think I will finally be able to have sympathy for the missionaries across the world on Thanksgiving. I always hear funny stories on how they usually have a couple of Thanksgiving dinners in one day. Man! At least mine are semi spread out.

1 comment:

Ash Att said...

HOLY COW!! THREE?!! welp, good luck :)