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Sunday, August 2, 2009


I remember when I was little, not being really thrilled when Sunday came around. It was so boring and you couldn't do anything! You couldn't play with your friends, or watch your favorite movie.
Now that I am older, my feelings of Sunday have changed. It's a day of rest. Sometimes literally. Sleep is very important to me. It's also a day of rest from everyday living. Being caught up in everything that is going on the world. It's a change to spiritually re boost yourself. Today I went up to Music and the Spoken Word with a friend. I always love going to those and getting to see my mom. Usually they have a guess singer that comes along and performs. Today they had a huge choir from Great Britain that were fantastic! It made me miss being in a choir so bad! After that we went and just walked around Temple Square. I love Temple Square. Everything about it is just so peaceful and I love seeing the sister missionaries hard at work.

Oh how I love my Temple Square

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