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Monday, May 21, 2012

A milestone and a car accident

I was praying that this last weekend would be one of relaxation. The weekend before that, Jake and I had spent everyday moving and cleaning. Yes we moved. Again. I believe this was move #5 in our young married life. If anyone needs advice on moving and passing the cleaning inspection, Jake and I are pro. Not something I really wanted to be "pro" of.

Well the weekend started good. Calm. Beautiful weather. We were on our way to my parents house when a car came out and side swiped us. Yikes! Thankfully we were all okay besides Jake with a little whip lash and me in a panic/mommy mode. Evelyn was just fine but accidents tend to make me a little crazy. I found out today that the damage is worth $3,100. So so soooo glad it wasn't our fault. Now we get to wait and see if the insurance will pay to fix it or buy us another one.

On to a happier note...Evelyn rolled over for the first time on Saturday! I was one proud mamma. She rolled over again on Sunday which Jake was able to film while I was taking a needed nap. An overly tired baby all during church = one tired mamma. Lets hope this next weekend is very uneventful.

Right after she rolled over. She was so excited!

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