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Monday, October 18, 2010

A whole lotta fun

Our weekends have been packed with a lot of fun things! Last, last weekend we went to Jake's work party. Let me tell ya, APX knows how to throw a work party. They transformed their front lawn area into a motor cross arena and had Nitro Circus come and show us a thing or tow. I wasn't too familiar with Nitro Circus but apparently they do motor cross stunts for MTV. While there we also ran into a couple of my cousins there which was fun and oh my goodness, just take a look at this adorable little boy. I seriously couldn't get enough of him! He is one of my cousins. Adorable.

This last weekend, my dad surprised Jake and I with a full day at CLAS ropes course. So much fun! We both did some crazy things such as Jake jumping off a 75 ft ledge blindfolded and trying to catch a ring that was suspended in the air, and us tied together, climbing up a really small ladder and walking across a wire together.....and we learned a whole lot! At the end they fed us all Costa Vida which I was super happy about. As for this weekend.....Jake and I are headed down to St. George to attend Thriller, do some hiking here, and stop by the temple. I can't wait!

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