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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day of rest

I've noticed myself saying this lately.

"They say Sunday is a day of rest but it's probably the day that I am the busiest."

Today during Relief Society I realized that I had it all the wrong way. Sunday being a day of rest is a day of worldly rest. Not a day of physical rest. It is a day for us to learn and focus solely on the Lord. I tend to catch myself complaining that I don't get enough rest on Sunday with meetings and everything else that comes with callings. Instead I should be grateful that Heavenly Father has given me this day, and given me these calling to better myself and to have opportunities to serve others which in turn serves our Heavenly Father. Sunday is a day for spiritual uplifting. My idea of Sunday being a day of rest has changed and I have a new desire to be put to work. To further on the work of the Lord. To fill my Sundays with service, scripture reading, putting my all into my callings, and much more.

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