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Friday, October 23, 2009


So today I decided it was a good day to kick my dislike of running in the butt. Well I take that back....I don't dislike running, I am just not very good at it yet. Usually I hate running outside because it's so dang hot and I don't last very long, but last night I ran with my roommate around Provo which was perfect because it was just a tad chilly. Perfect running weather. Today I needed a break from homework so I went for a run outside. I ended up running 4.68 miles and it felt great. I loved running through all the leaves that were on the ground. Hearing a "crunch" each time I took another step. It was hard not to jump into the many piles of leaves that the BYU work crew had piled together as I passed them. There was one huge long hill that just about killed me but I made it. Unfortunately it's now back to homework. I have been so bad at procrastinating lately. It's not good.

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