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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bike ride #3

So I finally got around to doing my fathers day gift with my dad. I chose to take him on a bike ride up Provo Canyon, and I was a nice sister and let Nate tag along. Dad and I rode the tandem bike while Nate road my moms' road bike. We had our Subway sandwiches packed in the back and headed up the trail. Only a couple of minutes into the bike ride, Nate shifts wrong or something and the chain falls off. We fix the chain and start off again when we hear a "pop!" Nate now popped the tire. Haha! We usually have a spare tire in the be back, but there was none to be found. So we handed Nate his sandwich and said see ya later! There wasn't much we could really do! Dad and I biked up to Bridal Veil Falls, we were going to bike up to Vivian Park but my lungs were not ready for that yet since I was still getting over my nasty cold. Once we got there we ate our sandwiches and sat down for a bit. Just as we are about to leave, Nate pulls up.

What the....

I guess while Nate was walking his bike back, a biker stop by and asked if everything was okay. The biker had an extra tire and actually taught Nate how to change it for himself. Bikers are so nice. So he peddled his little butt off to catch up to us. It was a great bike ride. Next time we will bike up to Vivian Park and my cold will be gone!

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