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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Weekend

The best part of the 4th of July is having the family together. I can't get enough of it! We first started the weekend with a good ol' pool party while the dads were working at the BBQ.
Food FOOD and MORE food!

Little miss Janey had too much fun when I threw her in the air to catch her in the pool. I would throw her up and catch her and she was say "Do it again!" I did it over and over until my arms got too tired! She loves the camera as well! Natalia had her camera with her and Janey walked up to Natalia and wanted her to take a picture of me and her. I think we took about five pictures before she was satisfied!

The pool that we were at had this awesome rock slide as well as a waterfall feature that hooked on to the pool. The kids loved LOVED going down the slide.
Of course Nate had to be a show off and jump off the waterfall.

The next day, a bunch of friends and I went tubing down the Provo River. I had never done it before so I was a tad worried. Not too much though. But man was it freezing! I don't think the sun came out until the last five minutes of our ride. Jess and I were the newbies, but were also way ahead of everyone else for quite a while! We had no idea what we were doing!
But we all had so much fun and I totally want to go again....when the sun is out!

Moe and I are getting excited for fireworks!!

Happy (late) 4th!

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