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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


As this semester comes to a close, (thank heavens!) I am already looking forward to next semester! I'm all for change, and a new change of classes is very welcomed! After long periods of looking up classes and making sure that I have everything ready to apply for the dental hygiene program, I officially have next semesters schedule done! Feels great! I am actually really excited for my new classes....yes it's probably going to be another hard semester full of tests and what not, but I'm used to it so bring it on! Here is how my schedule is looking for next semester. No more 7:00 classes for me!!!

*9:30-11:20 Bio Med lab
*11:30-12:50 Bio Med

*8:30-9:50 Pathophysiology
*rest of the day will be devoted to my online art class (story on why it's online below)

*8:00-9:50 Pathophysiology lab
*11:30-12:50 Bio Med

*8:30-9:50 Pathophysiology
*10:00-10:45 working with special needs kids at the institute!! I am so excited for this!

*8:00-9:30 Dance/Pilates (This is going to be hilarious!)

So story behind this art class...I actually had it set up for T & Th at 10:00 but today looking over everything, I realized I had signed up for that class at the Weber-Davis campus. Not a good idea. I freaked out just a tad because I needed to get this class done and out of the way, plus I needed the 3 credits to still be a full time student....therefore the online art class. It's going to be very interesting.

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