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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A weekend, library outing, and runny nose

This weekend was so great besides the fact that we were all sick. Jake didn't have any programs he needed to work on so Evelyn and I had a lot of time with Jake. We both love spending time with him. It was a quiet weekend. Even though we were sick we managed to get out of the house for just a little bit and go to the library (Evelyn's second home) when we knew a lot of people wouldn't be there. You can tell Evelyn is in her element when she walks into the children's section and starts pulling out books to flip through. The rest of the weekend was spend taking lots of bubble baths, and Jake and I taking turns being runny nose police.  Boy does that girl hate having her nose wiped! I love when we get weekends like this. Spending time as a family is my favorite thing to do in the entire world. And when the time comes along when Jake isn't busy with homework, we grab it and go! 
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