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Sunday, June 17, 2012


There's nothing like watching your husband fall seamlessly into his role as a father. It's been such a rewarding experience to see him be the best father to our little Evelyn. He is always so patient with her. And even with all his busy school work, he takes time to play with her and make her laugh. I'm so grateful that she has such a wonderful example to look up to. A father that will do anything and everything for her. I'm also grateful for the father's in my life. Both my father-in-law and my own father. They are both amazing men who care so much about their families. Thank you both for the examples you have left me and my family.

 Happy father's day everyone! And happy father's day to the love of my life. You really are one heck of a guy and Evelyn and I are lucky to have you.

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