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Friday, April 20, 2012

Two peas in a pod

These two have become quite the pals. I love watching them be together. Jake is the best dad ever and loves spending time with Evelyn. This week was my first week back at work and Jake was done with finals on Tuesday so they were able to spend some good quality time together. I called during work to check up on them and found out Jake was watching Cinderella with Evelyn! (heart melting...) My first day back at work was hard. Super hard. I cried the whole drive there. But as I got back into my routine, it got much easier. As of right now, it's been a good "out" for me. I love my job. I love the people I work with. And it's been nice to have some adult interaction. However, I can't wait till I can be a stay at home mom. I love being with Evelyn. Hopefully it wont be too long before that happens! Hope you all have a great weekend!  I hear we are supposed to have wonderful weather...I hope! I will be spending lots of time with these two and I am so excited!

Studying with papa!

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