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Monday, April 18, 2011

Winding down...but picking back up

Things are starting to wind down a little bit now that Jake has passed his licensing exam (1 out of 4). Wahoo! We are so happy that is done. Now we can throw away recycle his huge stack of papers he had to study. Finals are this week and next, then as soon as he is done we are taking off to Disneyland to forget all our worries! We are such Disneyland junkies. I can't wait! After that we are getting away to St. George to see the Little Mermaid on Broadway for our first anniversary! Can you believe it? It's crazy that it's almost been a year. But then again it's not. We know each other so well that sometimes it seems like we have been married a lot longer. Then after that we are taking off again to a family reunion in Washing state, followed by a couple of days at the beach house in Oregon. I am extremely excited about Oregon. I have a lot of fond memories there. This summer can't get here soon enough!

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