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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eating out homemade style

When Jake and I first got married, (I know we haven't been married that long...) we liked to eat out.

A lot.

Especially at Costa Vida, Panda, and Zupas.

Obviously we had to change that so now we are on our quest to learn how to make our favorite dishes. We just mastered the sweet pork burrito/salad with that oh so yummy dressing on Sunday. I'm not bragging but it was amazing! We have almost mastered Panda's orange chicken. Zupas is all that is left. It's all about the chicken enchilada chili and the turkey cranberry panini. I have found a couple of chicken enchilada chili recipes, (if any of you have some good ones let me know!) and I just came across this today! Oh boy what a find! My family has become a little obsess with making these lovely panini's and this blog is full of recipes! Can't wait to try them out.


Sadey said...

Is there a blog that has these recipes on it? That costa recipe and panda would be amazing for you to share! :)!

LibTenney said...

I need the costa recipe too Heather! When you figure out the soup from Zupas you need to let me know because Zupas is one of my favorite places too, thanks to you!