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Thursday, July 1, 2010


Sooo....we haven't decided if it's worth it to buy internet at our apartment. Hence why it has been a while since I have typed here. I am honestly dying with out it. We are both trying to be good and start budgeting so we shall see if the internet makes the list! I have so much to up date on but I fear it probably wont make it to this post because I have pictures I need to put up along with it. Yeah for pictures!!
Jake and I have been super busy with work lately. Especially me. I feel like I have been a zombie this whole week. Work has been super crazy and I rarely get off on time which doesn't really bother me but I come home exhausted. Still need to make dinner. Clean the apartment....which it never seems to stay clean! It's not that we are a messy couple but gifts keep trickling in. Don't get me wrong I am totally not complaining at all. But we get everything put away and new things come. Most we have to take back because we already have it. So we have a huge pile sitting in our living room of things we need to take back. It's been there for a week and keeps growing. Also I have boxes and boxes of old stuff that my mother is making me go through. It's a good thing though and it needs to happen. I have learned I have way too much stuff.
A miracle happened a few days ago. It may not seem like a miracle to you but for me it was. Jake is now hooked on a book. Gasp! I think my man has only read Harry Potter and the Book of Mormon all the way through. I love love LOVE reading so this was really hard for me to understand. I could go through a library and point out a plethora of books that I have read. Not so much for Jake. He doesn't really like reading. While we were engaged I made him promise me that he would read a series of my choosing. So Hunger Games it is! So far he is hooked. I absolutely love it and am soaking it all in.

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