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Monday, July 12, 2010


Jake and I went camping with his family up in the Uintas last weekend. So pretty! I have actually never been there before but it has a different feel and look to it than AF canyon where I used to go a lot. We camped right next to Lilly lake where they like to go fishing. If I remember right, Jake took me fishing for my first time on our second date before he left on his mission. I am not a fisher.
Jake fished while I grabbed a chair and read my book. However I didn't read much because I was distracted by Jake fishing. It actually looked fun! We are going again in a week or two and I will purchase me a fishing license! Note about the mosquitoes.
They are everywhere!
I was covered head to toe in clothing. As I sat there reading I could hear the mosquitoes buzz right by my ear. The only place they could probably get to. I think I was reapplying bug spray every fifteen minutes.

Thank heavens there was a big storm that came through and drove them away for a while.
Jake slept through that big storm.

I however did not.

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