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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekend activities

What a weekend! I know Thursday isn't really part of the weekend but that day was important too. UVU's institute has the opportunity to provide a choir for Aprils Sunday morning session of General Conference! They had auditions Thursday night which went on really late into the night. There were soooo many people there auditioning. They only have room for 365 singers and......

I am one of those 365! I am so excited to be able to take part in this wonderful experience, and to share my love of music with others. So look for me Sunday morning! Friday we had the privilege of being able to hear from L. Tom Perry, also at UVU's institute. What a funny man. His talk was on living a well balanced life. To summarize his talk, he gave us four tips.

1. Realize who we are
2. Value truth, and be truth seekers
3. Be a trusted generation, and live by good standards
4. Seek learning from the scriptures

There was a lot more that he went into but that was the gist. Such an amazing apostle and boy is he tall! Friday was also a fun date snowshoeing and a night of games. Life is amazing right now.

Saturday morning was spend celebrating my dear roommates 20th birthday! Man we are all getting old. We stuffed our faces at Los for lunch and it was amazing. She had to wear a dorky "Happy Birthday" hat too! After that, I journeyed up to Salt Lake to spend the weekend with an old roommate who is pretty much my adopted sister and I consider her family to be my adopted family. I love them all! We were able to catch up, and make wonderful cookies n' cream cupcakes with the most amazing frosting ever. We had a girls night which included the face masks, and a good episode of Saved by the Bell. Next morning, we both got up fairly early and went to Music and the Spoken Word. It was awesome! Lots of good songs were sung. After that I raced home and made it just in time to listen to my cousin speak at his homecoming. If you know our family, you would know that we are all really close. It was so good to see him and other family members, and to hear stories from his mission as well as to see how much his testimony has grown. Like I said....what a weekend.

And can I just say how much I love Monday holidays?!

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