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Wednesday, December 9, 2009


One of my last assignments in my "stupid" computer class was to make a 2-4 minute movie either making something or selling something. First of all I can't sell anything worth beans. So I decided to do a movie making something.

Making ebelskivers particularly.

Ebelskivers are a classic treat in Denmark and are light round pancakes that can be made like this....
this.....or this!
You can make them filled with jam, curd, fruit, or covered with yummy caramel syrup with powdered sugar sprinkled over top. I chose the last one because I didn't have time to fill it with yummy goodness. I shall try another day though. Oh how I love cooking. I think I found what I am going to do this next semester when I am not in school. Yes that's right! No school for me. For now at least. I am done with everything. Everything. I now have to just wait patiently until I get into my program.

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