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Saturday, June 6, 2009

"We have nothing else for these kids to do" service project

My friend Penny and I woke up this morning to participate in some service work that was being done around Provo. Last time she planted around 2,000 flowers in front of the old Academy in Provo and had a really fun time. This time...wasn't.

We drove to Pioneer Park where we were supposed to meet everyone and drove around for a couple of minutes before we finally found the group. I was thinking we were going to do some planting and what not at the Pioneer Park, but we both came to realize that was not so when we saw the Farmers Market was taking place there. We signed our names, each got a shovel, and Penny got a pair of gloves. I was above gloves. They took us down the street to this abandoned parking lot; at least it looked abandoned. Very abandoned. Our service project was to pull the weeds around the parking lot. Seriously?! Isn't there some other poor looking park or cool building that needs our help? A few of us were thinking that maybe some weed killer would be more efficient in this scenario, but we went a head, pulling weeds out of rocks and pavement.

But even though this pretty much was a pointless service project, it still felt good to do some service. Hopefully next time they find some that actually needs to be done.

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