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Friday, April 24, 2009


I love going home for the weekend! But not this week.

My dearest cousin got married yesterday so I was able to go to that and it was splendid. She looked gorgeous. Other than that I've been studying. I loath studying. Especially for crazy medical classes. I was able to spend a little time with my mom running errands and helping her get some things done which isn't the funnest thing to do, but that doesn't matter because I just like spending time with my mom. Getting caught up on life, boys and everything in between. It's great! She even bought me a fantastic water bottle (if you know me, I love to buy cool looking water bottles) so I wouldn't steal hers anymore!

I also got him put on my laptop. Love his music.

Now it's back to studying. Did I mention I hate studying? Cause I do.

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