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Saturday, November 8, 2008

What the girls in B 207 do for fun

I've been procrastinating this whole entire week with my papers; so I decided I would sit down and actually start on them. Now I actually really do love writing papers. And I will say that I am pretty dang good at it. So I sat down for a good 4 hours and went to town. I finished one paper and got a little bit done on the next. My eyes were killing me! haha so I decided to take a break. One of my roommates was getting caught up on Kyle xy, (because I was impatient and watched a couple of episodes without her...sorry!) and as soon as she was done with her episode, I decided we should have a grape eating contest. We had 4lbs worth of grapes in the fridge...why not! So we washed the grapes, got a pen and paper, and a camera of course and began the competition. Now just to fill you in....these grapes are HUGE! We had fun trying to take pictures without laughing and gagging on all the grapes. We each got twenty in our mouth and decided that if we tried to fit one more in we would choke so we called it a draw and ran to the sink to get rid of the plethora of grapes we had just shoved in our mouths. Here are a couple of pictures we were able to take. Enjoy!

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