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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chugging along

I felt like I haven't read a real book in ages!! Bridal magazines have consumed my reading time. Jake and I are now looking for apartments and we think we have found one. At least I sure hope so. I thought looking for your very own place would be fun, and it was...but now I just want to find a place and be done with it! We will be chilling in the town of Provo for a while. Who knows how long. Probably a while. We've been slowly adding things that we have to the apartment list. This is what we have so far.

  • 1 T.V.
  • 1 very heavy kitchen table
  • 1 Maybe dresser
  • A Wii (this made me very happy!)
  • Possibly a couch and a love seat
  • A very nice desk
  • A rocking chair

I think that's all that comes to mind right now. No worries. We are coming right along. KSL has been a fantastic friend through all of this. Oh and my family! I can't forget them! Yesterday Jake came to visit me during lunch and made us the most delicious lunch ever! I seriously am so lucky.


LibTenney said...

Welcome to the most wonderful life of being married. You aren't even married yet! I'm seriously so excited that I will have a friend to talk with and share experiences with that deal with being married now :) He sounds like such an amazing guy. Can't wait to meet him!

Sharee Gariety said...

Heather!!!! Congratulations!!! He sounds great, and I'm glad you are so happy. I hope you'll post your engagement pictures so we can see them! Good luck with all the wedding preparations. :0)