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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Who knew... could have touching moments at the library?

Jake was home studying for finals so I thought I would take away this cute little distraction and go to the library. We picked out a couple of books and sat down to look through them. After a couple of minutes, a lady came by us with a group of handicapped boys to read books to them. Most of the mothers that were around quickly grabbed their children and went somewhere else. Not me. I watched Evelyn as she studied these boys, young men really. She grabbed one of her books, walked over to one of them and sat down right next to him, flipping through the pages of her book. A huge smile lit up across this young mans face. The lady told me that he loves little babies. He gave Evelyn a big hug, shook her little hand, waved and said hello. Evelyn giggled with delight. It was such a precious moment for me to witness. There was nothing different about these young men to Evelyn. Nothing to run away from. 

These were new friends that she wanted to share her love of books with. 

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1 comment:

A and W said...

Love this! So touching!