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Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Thinking about Christmas traditions, my family actually has quite a lot.
  • Caroling with Dad's side of the family/talent night
  • Dipping pretzels in white chocolate...mmm yum!
  • Family dinner in which we pull out our Christmas china, my parents make a very fancy dinner, we turn off all the lights and eat by candle light, and then after dinner my parents also clean everything up. This is one of many ways to show us kids how much they appreciate and love us.
  • Pulling out the Christmas puzzles.
  • Watching the good ol' classics: White Christmas, Holiday Inn, It's a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street.
  • Picking good hiding spots the night before to watch Santa deliver our gifts! (This is a favorite of mine! The whole family hides from Santa and once or twice we have almost been caught!)
  • Decorating sugar cookies.
  • Watch The Christmas Story then go out to eat Chinese food
  • Decorate our two trees together! Except this year they did it without me. ( of a hard working college student)
Oh how I love family traditions! I hope to carry many of these traditions on when I have my own family.

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