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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How about an update?!

Our summer has been very busy and super rewarding at the same time so far. Which technically summer hasn't actually started yet!

Jake is insane and is taking a summer semester as well as working full time at his internship. Being a proud wife I have to brag that Jake has really impressed the company. He really works hard but then always makes sure he makes time for his girls at home.

Most of my time is spent outside playing and on several long walks a day with Evelyn, which have really kept me in shape along with other stuff I have been doing. It's been great and I love seeing this little girl grow and expand. She has become quite the little talker lately and will have several conversations with herself which I think is the cutest thing ever. She puts a smile on anyones face who sees her whether it's at the grocery store, out on a walk, or at church (which by the way 2 months till nursery!!)

Here are a couple of pictures of our summer (very hot spring?) thus far.

^^Our little fish out of water. This girl loves water and will try to get in it any way possible. Even if it's a duck pond!^^

^^ Jake and I got away for a little sunshine for our 3rd year anniversary which was so fun for us!^^


^^ Evelyn and aunt Megan having out with Cosmo the Cougar^^

Hope the summer has treated you all well! We sure have been enjoying it!

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