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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Jake and I are both going green this summer; and by green I mean we are both going to ride our bikes to work. After Jake got his bike stolen (I don't like to mention it because it makes us both a little peeved), we were at a lost for bike rides since I didn't have a bike either. I had mentioned to him a couple of weeks ago that we should just look for some bikes on KSL. We are so close to the Provo Canyon and I love biking through there. We both should have a bike. Time went by, and I kind of forgot about it. Well he went on his own, found two bikes and surprised me with them! 

Seriously I have the best husband.

 Now since we both work not too far from home, we thought why not bike to work? Sometimes I wish Utah was a little more closer together so we could ride our bikes everywhere! Heck I would even bike to the grocery store and do some shopping if I had a little basket. 

Except I don't think that would work when going to Costco. 

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