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Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Costco!

First of all our little sunbeams we teach are adorable. One Sunday one of the little boys said the cutest prayer. It was a pretty lengthy one too. He blessed that we would watch a movie today in sharing time, as well as blessed the hot dogs and hamburgers we were going to eat. Jake and I opened our eyes a little bit and smiled at each other. I don't know what hot dogs and hamburgers he was talking about! We were giving a lesson on The Book of Mormon this last Sunday. Jake had brought The Book of Mormon along with two other books; A Costco cooking book and a reading book. As soon as we pulled out the Costco book, the little 3 year old yelled, "Hey...Costco" as he read the cover of the book. Jake and I were shocked. This kid can't read yet but he was sure able to read the word Costco. Apparently he is a big fan of Costco because he asked if he could take the book home with him. Oh what Costco is doing to our children.

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