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Sunday, March 13, 2011


With Jake working at this intern, I have learned so much about finances. Whether I wanted to or not! I want Jake to summarize what we heard today from a lecture on finance that his boss gave during Sunday school. I love how he correlated it to the gospel and made me want to know more about our finances and where they should go and what we are doing with them. 

Matt Tucker is the financial Advisor that I work for and he discussed how owning your finances and being in charge of where you put your money correlates with how God wants us to increase our agency in every aspect of our life and how he'll empower us to do so.  If we get in debt we are losing agency!  If we don't even worry about our situation with money that's also losing agency. This is similar to not acting at all which lets others act for you.  Also if you don't save money you are not only hurting future road bumps along the way but you are hurting others who could benefit.  Maybe one of the reasons you save is so the Lord has one more avenue to bless others life through your efforts.  For example Heather has an amazing uncle who was smart with his money and offered to pay for Heathers schooling which helps us immensely. Another example is when Heather went through her sickness. Her parents received money anonymously during this period of her life. I'm sure that helped with a lot of things. Food storage is another example. The gospel is in every fabric of our life, not just in church settings.  We can use similar principles of the gospel to help us in other challenges we face.

I can't wait to learn more and more as Jake goes further with this company. He is really teaching me a lot.

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