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Monday, January 3, 2011

Moments through 2010

Here are a couple of our favorite moments in 2010

First off we were married in the Draper temple June 4th, 2010. 

We spent a couple of weeks in the summer camping. I also caught my first fish!

Here is Jake at the ropes course getting ready to jump off blindfolded and try to catch a ring suspended in the air

 Jake and I decided to take a little road trip to St. George to see Thriller and to get away from school and work. 

 Best work party ever thanks to APX and Jake working there. They turned their whole front lawn area into a motorcycle arena. Talk about cool!

 Here we are with my little sister at the zoo. I can't even tell you the last time I had been at the zoo before this.

BYU games! Too bad it wasn't their best season. 

And of course. The beautiful lights on Temple Square. 

 2010 was a big year for both Jake and I and it brought along with it so many memories. I can't wait to see what 2011 has in store for us! 

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