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Sunday, June 28, 2009


This week has been a very interesting and just a busy but fun week. I guess I am just grateful for the many wonderful friends and family that I have. I am very blessed to have them in my life.

Thanks GW for taking the week off so I can have a week off.
Thanks to my puzzle buddy for helping me find that stupid missing piece.
Thanks mon ami for always making me laugh and putting up with my weirdness.
Thanks Mom for checking up on me while you are away.
Thanks Meg for always letting me wear something of yours when I come home and forget to bring stuff.
Thanks Grandma for making me breakfast in the morning.
Thanks Michael Jackson for making high school dances bearable. (No he is not a friend or a relative but I figure he needed to be thanked for his awesome music and choreography)
Thanks Older and Wiser for raising the bar for the Crosland girls and for being a great example to me. We still need to finish X-Men by the way....
Thanks Dad for making the best dutch oven dinners EVER and for reminding me constantly that driving DOWN to Pleasant Grove is not correct, but that driving UP to Pleasant Grove is.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yahoo! X-men finale will be happening soon... MARK MY WORDS! Love ya.