So I am back from my week without the computer. It made such a big difference that week. I always would catch myself almost getting on facebook to see what everyone is doing or wanting to write a story in my blog. But I was able to resist! I found I was able to get a lot more stuff done, and I loved that I read my scriptures more than twice a day and actually did a deep reading. Now to catch you up on my week. Here are just a couple of pictures.

- Draper Temple open house - So pretty! I think that was my first time I was able to see all the rooms in a temple.
- One of my good friends that worked with me at the dental office left us to move....twas very sad but I am happy for her and her family to get situated! I hope we keep in touch!
- A bunch of friends and I decided Saturday that we would take a random road trip to Crystal Hot Springs - so much fun! It felt like summer and there were a couple of cute boys there :) That always helps!
- My roommate and I decided to have a "funny picture" night! I would post some other pictures but unfortunately they are too unfortunate looking to be posted on here.
Sacrament meeting again was great, full of very wonderful talks and a very pretty musical number. Although we were short in number seeing as it is spring break. But none the less, the spirit made up for that!
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