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Sunday, March 22, 2009


Spring is here! It is apparent all around campus. The flip flops and capris have emerged and you can start to see the little flowers pushing up through the ground! I love it. Spring tends to give me a new surge of energy that winter sucked out of me. It's awesome to have this new surge of energy, but it makes it so difficult to stay focused on studies when I could be playing outside, flying a kite, or going on a bike ride. Friday was a beautiful 70 degrees and Saturday was the same. I needed to run stairs around campus but I decided that hiking Waterfall Canyon would be just as good, if not better! So I grabbed my roommate and another friend and hiked up Waterfall Canyon. It was perfect hiking weather. A little breeze in the air, and the sun shining. Throughout the hike we ran into thousands of butterflies! They were everywhere! We made it to the top after about an hour and fifteen minutes, hung out by the waterfall for a bit, then started to head back down. There was still snow in some parts of the trail so it got a little slippery at times. I slipped and fell flat on my butt in the snow and had this awesome round circle of wetness on my butt for the rest of the hike. I just love being out in nature. I wish I had time to go hiking like that every day!

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