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Sunday, August 7, 2011



The Haws Family said...

Holy COW!!!! I am so incredibly excited for you! Hopefully you don't get too sick, and hopefully everything goes really really well and then, in the end, you'll be like me and have a six-day old baby that is just the MOST WORTH it, extraordinary, beautiful, happiest little creature in the whole wide world!

Alison Crosland said...

Stop it!!! This is so great! I'm so excited for you! Your baby is going to be SO DANG CUTE!! YAY! Congrats you two!!

Sarah said...

WOW! Congrats girly! I am so excited for you 2!

Janeal said...

I read this while holding my own little baby. You're going to love it! Congratulations, this is the cutest way to announce it!

Mal Mecham said...

Congrats, cute girl!! I'm so excited for you guys!!

LibTenney said...

YAY! I was hoping the title meant exactly this. So excited for you guys, it's the greatest thing in the world.