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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Wait for it.....wait for it....


Oh man today is the best day ever. Finals always take it out of me and to say they are done is like a ginormous weight off my shoulder. It feels fantastic. Easiest semester I have ever had and probably will ever have. Sad day. Now I finally have time to do some Christmas shopping which I haven't even started. I know I am totally behind. Don't judge. I did get to go to my bro's high school Christmas concert with the fam which was so fun! Brought back so many memories and made me miss choir even more! I saw so many friends that I haven't seen in years. Some are getting ready to turn in mission papers, some are home from missions, some are engaged....some are working their butt off in school like me....seriously it's crazy. Megan gets home from Idaho this Friday so we will finally have the whole family together! Christmas time is the best.

Speaking of Christmas time, I've noticed that there are more crazy drivers around this time of year. Running red lights like no other! Relax people. You still have time to get that perfect gift. Or not so perfect gift.

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