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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Aunt Heather

Pictures still aren't done. I'm just a little impatient! I got a glimpse of six that he finished and I absolutely loved them! Super cute. I seriously can't wait to see the rest. Jake has moved down here and started his job which so far he is starting to like so I guess that's a good thing! Not I guess....that is a good thing! We have recently been spray painting some furniture black. My pointer finger has never been so sore in it's life! Totally pathetic I know. But seriously. It hurts.
My bridal pictures are this Saturday and I still need to figure out how I am going to wear my veil. And iron it with out melting it because it's a netting veil.

Through out the week certain things will happen that keep reminding me that this is all real and happening in less than a month. Last weekend I was with Jake's family celebrating a birthday. One of his little nephews yelled, "Aunt Heather, Aunt Heather!" and ran towards me to give me a big hug. I'm his favorite and you could say the feeling is mutual. He's hilarious. But it was super weird to hear "Aunt" in front of my name. Super weird.

But so exciting!


Sadey said...

Same thing happened with me! Nick's oldest sister just had the first Chadwick grandbaby in Feb. We were all there at the hospital it was aweseome. When my turn to hold the little guy came around someone said "Go see Aunt Sadey!" I thought wait .. What? haha Such an aweseome experience to really feel yourself becoming part of a new family who you love just as much as your own isn't it?

Ash Att said...

HOW FUN!! I want to see your pictures when you get them! thats so fun for you..aunt heather :) ha

Taufer Family said...

That is so cute being called Aunt Heather!! I can't believe how fast your wedding is coming!! I can't wait to see all the cute engagement pics and your gorgeous bridals!!