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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today was a good day at work. Despite the fact that the station has been on blasted country for three days now and I heard someone destroy Michael Buble's version of Home . I took some of the best impressions I have ever taken, didn't gag the patient, and made some pretty nice invisalign trays. Also today we got a new line of floss!!! It's the new Johnson & Johnson Reach Ultraclean. Yes I know this is sad but I was really excited to try it out on myself. For those of you that don't know my well, I have floss probably in every single purse that I own and I am flossing constantly. I love floss. But this floss really is fantastic! I should be out in dental offices everywhere and grocery stores soon. Get it. It's great. It's sad to think that I only have two weeks left at this office. I love the people that I work with. It's going to be hard to find another office with people like them.

Two weeks! Provo here I come.

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