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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Got snow?!

  • 6:30 - Alarm goes off, hit snooze
  • 6:45 - Roommates alarm goes off, gives me a heart attack, roommate hits snooze
  • 7:00 - Alarm goes off, finally get out of bed, look outside, want to crawl back in bed
  • 7:10 - Put on every single layer of clothing I own, plus a plethora of socks
  • 7:40 - Eat breakfast, put on coat, gloves, scarf, walk out the door, umbrella open
  • 8:15 - Walk clear up to the Allied Health Building in blizzard
  • 8:30 - Endure Patho
  • 8:35 - Pop in a Ricola
  • 9:30 - Still enduring Patho
  • 9:50 - Blow nose, study for midterm
  • 10:25 - Pop in another Ricola; tongue is red and breath smells like nasty cherry medicine
  • 10:45 - Take midterm
  • 11:20 - Look out window....still snowing
  • 11:28 - Most miserable walk home of my life
  • 11:40 - Soaked to the bone
  • 12:00 - Get into warm sweats, sip hot chocolate, and watch Kyle XY
  • 12:15 - Over a foot of snow has fallen and still counting
  • 1:00 - Look outside, can't even see
  • 1:45 - Get a call from school, all afternoon classes have been canceled
  • 1:55 - Looks like we could be on planet Hoth. Terrain: Frozen Ice Planet. Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
  • 2:00 - Take a nap and dream I'm in Hawaii!


LibTenney said...

Sounds like your afternoon plans are awesome!! I wish you were down here because 1. It's snowing here but not nearly as bad as up there 2. I miss you 3. I am done with school at 10 am on Tuesdays and we could be playing right now if you were down here.

Let's plan something fun for this weekend. I am free all day Saturday :) love you- don't freeze!

Jamie Lee said...

ah good ol' hoth, nice planet, little on the nippy side, but nice people....lots of cute fighter pilots..... : )