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Thursday, January 22, 2009


What a day it has been! First of all today has felt like Tuesday and Friday all in the same day! I never know what day it is in the first place but this really messed me up. Well today was the day my roommates and I finally got to meet the special needs kids in our institute class! I was so excited! I think there were around eleven or twelve kids there. We started off by singing "I am a Child of God" which I missed singing that at special needs mutual. It gave me chills! haha! We each were paired off and we (the students) were in charge of teaching our partner the first lesson: Our Father in Heaven. My partner's name was Aaron and he had a hard time with speech but he was the cutest kid ever! We got along just great. So that just made my day. Thursdays are now officially my new favorite day of the week. So after that I hurried to work where I worked on a couple of patients and then ran home to change, then ran back to school to study for an hour and then take my first Pathophysiology test....scary!! I hate the first tests because I have no idea what I am getting myself into. After the test, I ran to the gym, biked a couple of miles and then met my roommates for a step & abs cardio class! Oh my I have never had so much fun or sweat that much in a long time! It felt so good. Definitely going to have to do that class again! After that I rushed back home, got in my swimsuit and soaked in the hot tub while it was raining! Loved that! Now I get to relax for a little bit before I need to study some more. What a day! At least I have been very productive eh?!

1 comment:

Megan & Scott said...

good just stay busy daaling. and p.s. i love your page. muchos cute. and i have fabulous choir songs to show you the next time you come down. oh! AND then i'll have even more cause tomorrow i get my europe music!