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Thursday, January 8, 2009

A better me

I am usually not a fan of new year's resolutions because I never really seem to stick to any of them or I make goals to high for me to accomplish. This year is going to be different. I can feel it! Since I have never really made a list I semi went a little crazy with the goals. I might not finish all of them; I might not finish most of them; but I am going to try.
  1. Daily-morning prayers and scripture study
  2. Paint toenails rainbow style
  3. Finish oil painting
  4. Keep room clean!
  5. Go to FHE
  6. Expand my cooking skills
  7. Budget money
  8. Go to a monster truck ralley
  9. Run a mini Triathlon
  10. Do baptisms once a week
  11. Bare testimony more often and not just in relief society
  12. Go to a Broadway
  13. Always look for the good in others instead of their faults
  14. Eat fish
  15. Memorize favorite scripture
  16. Read patriartical blessing often
  17. More service and less play
  18. Work on making good habits regular habits
  19. Go on a random road trip
  20. Go 80's dancing
  21. Make a New Year's Resolution list and stick with it
Now a lot of these are just for fun; random things I've wanted to do. The rest are there to help me grow. To be a better person. A better me. I hope next year to look back on the things that I have accomplished, to look at who I was, and to see who I have become.

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