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Monday, October 15, 2012

A little getaway

After a not so fun week/weekend of all three of us being sick with the flu....(yeah talk about fun!) I needed to get out the house asap! But before I tell you about our little getaway, let me just say that I have the best baby ever. Even though we all were sick, she was still just her happy smiley self. What a blessing when such a tiny sick person could still be so happy! It made cleaning up all the nasty throw up just a tiny bit better because of all the smiles. Did I really just say that?! Anyways, after being cooped up in the house, we decided to take a drive through the Alpine Loop. I wanted to get up there before all the leaves fall because it seems like they all do in one day. Here are some pictures of our little outing. Miss e wanted to play and play with the leaves all day and was in baby heaven.

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