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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week 31

Your mama and papa are enamored with the fact that you will be here in under two months! Your papa just finished his finals and received his associates and got a 4.0! Wahoo! We are so proud of him! He's such a smarty pants. We recently went to the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas concert and realized (again) that you love music. You were moving around like crazy. But then again, when are you not moving around like crazy! This week you are measuring an impressive 18 inches and weigh around little more than 3 lbs. Your growing at a good pace and gaining your cute little baby fat! Your papa finally got over his strep throat and now has a nasty cough. It's a good thing you are not here yet or you would probably be sick too with how these sicknesses keep attacking our little family! We love you and can't wait to meet you.

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