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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers that I love

Father's Day was met with a lot of mixed emotions. Some tears, some smiles, and some laughter.

To my father: I couldn't have asked for a better role model father in my life. You have always been there for me, through my high and low times. I'll never forget that moment in the hospital around Christmas time. You and I were reading a book you had found. We got to a chapter that got pretty emotional for you. For both of us. You couldn't finish your sentence. I looked at you and said, "dad, let me read for a bit". It was my little moment to help you however I could. I don't know that I made it very far either but it was good to take over for you when I always felt so helpless during this time. You have always treated mom like a queen and spent lots of time with us kids. We all have so many memories of things you have done with us. You are loved by so many people. And loved especially by your family. I love you dad!

To my father-in law: You have taken me under your wings and have made me feel like one of your own daughters. Made me feel at home. I am so grateful for the counsel and wisdom you have given to both Jake and I as we dated and in our newly married life. I thank you for being such a wonderful father to Jake as he was growing up. He looks up to you in so many ways and has learned much from you. Trust me! Whatever you had taught him, you did a great job. I am so grateful for the way you love your family. I see it all the time when we get together. You always check on everyone and make sure they are all doing okay. You are a great man and I am so glad to have you has my father-in law.

To my grandfather Ivan: Every time I see a tree,  I am reminded of you. Reminded of your love for trees. For your love of life. Your love to watch things grow. A trees roots need to grow deep and strong in order for the tree to survive. Your love, hard work and knowledge has made our family grow deep and strong and we all support you and love you. I am also reminded of your love for theater and how it was instilled in me. I remember when I was in sixth grade and I was trying out for the lead of a play we were doing. I would bring my lines over to your house and we would practice and practice. I also had to faint during my tryout and you helped me faint like a professional! I did end up getting the lead thanks to you! Jake and I have loved being able to spend time with you these past couple of months. Bringing you to his basketball games and seeing you cheer him on and get so excited about the game. It just made my heart swell with love for you. To see you so happy. Jake and I would frequently come up and tell you all the new things that were happening in our life and you were always so excited for us. You are also loved by so many people grandpa. As one of them, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and have learned so much from you.

Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful fathers out there!

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